In April 2019, four organizations from the anti-violence and settlement sectors partnered to begin collaborative work on developing a strategy to address gender-based violence (GBV) for newcomers and refugees.
By building on current expertise, knowledge and resources in the anti violence and settlement sectors, this coordinated effort will recognize the reality that newcomers and refugees continue to experience structural barriers to accessing supports. Working collaboratively across Canada is a strategic way to make change happen.
Gender-based violence knows no bounds – it takes place in every community, every culture and every sector of society- it crosses all socio-economic backgrounds, races, ethnicities, cultures, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and occupations. GBV affects everyone.
Service providers who engage with diverse communities or offer settlement support to newcomers are often the first point of contact so it is essential to have culturally responsive knowledge and skills to be able to effectively support clients.
Over the next three years, with input from the settlement and anti-violence sectors, and through funding from Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), this project will support settlement sector capacity building and a shared base of knowledge with a coordinated, comprehensive approach.
Collaboration is key as it fosters collective ownership of the process, more and better information sharing, conversations and relationship building. Working together in partnership between the four organizations and engaging their members increases our ability to deliver GBV prevention and intervention and better serve individuals and families experiencing violence.
This Fall, the project focus is to identify what is currently available, promising practices and the most strategic way to address GBV within the settlement sector.

We will continue to provide project updates. For more information, please contact us.